Women-centric farming should be increased
Women are always kept at bay during policy decisions on agriculture. Women are not given credit for their contribution to field work. Considering the present status of the State, involving women in the agriculture-related policy-making is the need of the hour.
It is said that the process of agriculture was discovered by a woman and even today, many of the laborious works related to farming are done by women. The entire structure of agriculture actually depends on them. Thus, if we want progress in the agriculture sector, it is necessary to change society’s mindset.
Before taking any step forward, the government should emphasise more on women-specific farming options. To develop financing system for agriculture, insurance, prices, marketing is the key to success.
Similarly, education and training is also important for agriculture. The agricultural colleges and universities should put more stress on practical knowledge. The government should put in more efforts to ensure that agricultural research and technologies reach the farmers and women can play a vital role in these aspects.
When it comes to the mechanism of agriculture, stress should be more on reducing the exertion on women in the fields.
Following the rise in health consciousness, different types of vegetables are being produced. But most of the best quality produce is being exported while Indians get the secondary vegetables. This needs to be stopped by the Central government.
The government should encourage local farmers’ markets wherein they get the direct profit. Also, the use of chemical pesticides must be totally banned.
With the help of the self-help groups, women farmers can become self-sufficient. Those women who repay debts are like VIPs for banks. Women-centric agricultural development should be the direction for the future.